Friday 16 May 2008

Nuclear Power

12th April 2008

Travelled up to Sellafield on a Saturday and was disappointed to find the Visitor Centre closed even though the website said it was open every day of the year except Christmas Day!
Not a good start and the police on the gate looked very suspicious when I came out with the camera and tripod.

The weather initially was cloudy with showers but in the afternoon it improved a great deal.

Sellafield is a very difficult site to photograph. It is obviously surrounded by strong security fencing but the main problem was finding a good vantage point. From the coastline there are high sand dunes and a railway line blocking visibility and from the hills behind Sellafield a good zoom lens is required but as the visibility was hazy this was not successful. One of the best areas for photographing was from the golf course belonging to Sellafield but from there the reactor was not visible.

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